Руководство Замена масла в муфте Haldex (полный привод)

Changing the oil in the four-wheel drive clutch (Haldex / BorgWarner) Skoda Karoq

Special tools and workshop equipment required
Filling device VAS 6291 or VAS 6291/A
Catch pan VAS 6208
Oil for four-wheel drive clutch

• Vehicle on level ground
Drain oil
– Raise vehicle.
– Remove the noise insulation
– Unscrew heat shield for right drive shaft (if present) from angle gearbox.
– Place a catch pan under the four-wheel drive clutch.


– Unscrew drain plug (2) and drain all oil from the four-wheel drive clutch.
– Screw new drain plug (2) and tighten to tightening torque

Replenish oil
– Unscrew oil filler plug (1).


– Screw in the adapter of the filling device VAS 6291/3 into the filler hole up to the stop.


– Connect and secure the angled piece of the filling device to the adapter VAS 6291/3.
– Route hose of filling device above drive shaft and pull out of the vehicle.
• The hose must not sag.
– Lower the vehicle.
– Ensure that the valve -arrow- is closed.
– Screw oil reservoir (A) onto the filling device .


– Open valve (arrow) and hold oil reservoir as shown in the figure.
Then fill the four-wheel drive clutch with oil.

If the angle gearbox is correctly filled, oil flows out at the adapter VAS 6291/3.
If no oil flows out, continue the filling procedure.

– Place oil reservoir under the four-wheel drive clutch (e.g. trolley) so that the excess oil flows back into the oil reservoir.
– If no more oil flows back, remove filling device .
– Once it is filled correctly, unscrew the adapter VAS 6291/3.
– Screw in the »old« oil filler plug and tighten.
– Lower the vehicle.
– Start engine, engage a gear and allow gearbox to rotate for about 2 minutes.
– Switch off engine and unscrew oil drain plug.
– Check oil level, if necessary top up gear oil again to lower edge of filler hole.
• The four-wheel drive clutch must be filled up to the bottom edge of the oil filler hole.
– Screw in new oil filler plug.
– Raise vehicle.
– Screw in oil filler plug (A) and tighten to tightening torque.


– Raise vehicle.
– Install heat shield for right drive shaft (if present).
– Install the noise insulation.

Tightening torqueNm
Filler screw for high-performance oil for four-wheel drive clutch
• Replace bolt.
15 Nm
Drain plug for high-performance oil for four-wheel drive clutch
• Replace bolt.
38 Nm
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